
POINTEX: The future is the ability to understand customers’ needs.

If the ’80s brought in the change from concept of class to the majority concept, the coming of digital technology marks the change from majority to multitude.

For Pointex customization means following the product step by step via the internet and also during production process. In order to deeply understand the evolution of Pointex, from a customization perspective, think of the consumerism boom before the 60's , when fashion was something tailor-made customized for the client, and the following trend of  the 80's where the goal was not to tend to the individual but the masses.

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Pointex S.p.A.
Sede operativa: Via Brunelleschi 16/20 - 50013 Capalle (FI)
Sede legale: Via Cecchi 30, 59100 Prato (PO)
Tel. +39 055 8979380 - Fax. +39 055 8966189 - Email -P.Iva e C.F.: 01588340974
Reg. Imprese di Prato n. 01588340974 - Numero REA: PO-434475 - Capitale sociale: Euro 1.950.000 i.v.

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